Sunday, March 21, 2021

My Top Five Sources of News and Information

With modern technology, access to news and information is just about limitless. At the touch of a button, the average citizen can get hundreds of different sources, all reporting the same event. With the abundance of news and information outlets, its hard to find some to rely on. Most importantly, is it accurate? News today can be so biased, particularly when it comes to anything political. Its crucial to find sources without too much personal slant to it so you can form your own opinion on it. These are my five favorite sources to go to when looking for news and information I can trust. 

1. Snopes

One of my favorite websites to use is called . In times of the fake news craze, this website fact checks news articles. It is very helpful because not only does it tell you what information is incorrect, but it also provides you with the correct information as well. I was recommended this source by a professor last semester, and it is now one of my go-to's. This is a good source to go to if you're in need of accurate, straightforward information. If I hear a story from a source that sounds to be a little biased, I'll usually go to Snopes to find the real version of what happened. 

2. Social Media

Social media can be a dangerous place to get information if you're not careful. However, its very accessible for most people. I mostly use social media initially as a way to inform myself about what is going on in the world. Most of the time, I find out about current events through sites like Instagram and Twitter. This is also where I find things that interest me, like Broadway updates or celebrity gossip. However, when the topic is more serious such as politics, I’ll usually follow up by confirming what I’ve heard through other news sources.

3. Forbes

I like to use Forbes to get news that isn't too slanted. I find that Forbes typically doesn't have too much of a bias in their reporting, and their information is usually quite accurate. I try to stay away from sources like CNN and Fox due to their political slants, and I feel like Forbes is a happy medium between the two. Its easy to use Forbes as a backup source after finding out news and information from places that are biased, such as CNN and Fox, or after getting information from places that might not be the most accurate, such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.

4. New York Times

The New York Times is a widely respected and well known source of news and information. When looking for current events, I typically head other news sources. However, I've found the New York Times is a great source for finding researched based information that is both accurate and accessible. They're a wealth of information on all sorts of topics, which is convenient when researching for something school related. I'm also a big reader, so I often head to the New York Times Bestsellers List when Im out of good books to read.

5. Apple News

A news source that often grabs my attention is Apple News. Often times, I'll be mindlessly scrolling through my phone when I get a notification from Apple News at the top of my screen. Sometimes, when the headline is eye-catching, I cant help but click on it and read the story. Usually though, the articles I read on Apple News have less to do with serious events or politics, but are more opinion pieces or fluff pieces that are more lighthearted. If I were to read something important on Apple News, I'd follow up on the story with a more reputable source such as Forbes, but its nice to browse around the app from time to time.

For me, its important to use sources that you trust when looking for information about politics and serious topics, such as Snopes or Forbes. If you're getting crucial news from biased and slanted sources, how will you ever form your own opinion on it? However, when it comes to more lighthearted things, such as celebrity gossip, fluff stories, opinion pieces, and the like, I think its okay to get your information from places like Apple News and social media. Its all about finding the right balance.

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