Thursday, April 29, 2021

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Essentially, artificial intelligence is a way for computers to act like humans without a human brain. The computer can adapt to new data automatically, without any help from humans. At first, the concept of AI sounds interesting, innovative, and even cool. While that may be true, this new technology may be scarier than you first think.

While this technology is convenient, there are many downsides to it. For one, it promotes less human contact, which is almost never a good thing for society. This can take strip people of feelings and human empathy, leaving them feeling emotionless. Also, the computer would be emotionless, which means that it would not be able to connect with human beings, just perform tasks. On top of this, this new technology could result in lots of job loss. With technology already taking jobs away, the only edge humans have is their own human intelligence. Now, a computer may be able to replicate that. Not to mention the enormous costs that would occur to create and install these machines. It would costs companies millions and millions of dollars. In addition to all of these cons, for me personally, I find it rather frightening that a computer would be able to have access to so much information. It could easily infringe on online security. Who knows what they could do?

Despite all of these things, there are some upsides. This technology would get rid of human error. It also doesn't have human emotion, so it can do things that humans would rather not do, such as deal with trash, or clean, or even go so far as to help the military. It also doesn't have human needs, so it wouldn't need to sleep or eat. AI could be accessible constantly, something humans cant do. AI could also help with National Security by doing things like scanning IDs at ports, going into foreign military bases, and even going into combat and dropping bombs. 

After going through all of the pros and cons, I've decided I'm not a fan of artificial intelligence. Despite its benefits, the fact that a computer could have that much access to information doesn't sit right with me. We need to let computers be just what they are- simple computers. And we need to let humans be humans.

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