Thursday, April 29, 2021


War has always been a part of human existence, since the beginning of history. War existed in Biblical times, during the rule of the Romans, and all throughout Europe for centuries. America has long been involved in war, in fact its very founding was the result of the Revolutionary War. Now, war is a major part of what America is today. Our military has fought in dozens of countries for dozens of years. We often hear of the promotion of war- of how noble it is to fight overseas for your country. However, we rarely hear of the other side- the antiwar side. 

Antiwar, by definition, in the opposition to war in general or to the conduct of a specific war. The website is a website made to promote the antiwar movement. Although many people would probably consider themselves antiwar, you don't hear much about it now a days. The last protest happened in February 2003, when the U.S. went to war with Baghdad. Millions of people around the country protested this in several major cities. However, this was the last big protest since then. Why?

Many people believe that the antiwar movement changed after 2001 due to the attack on the twin towers. After 9/11, patriotism grew, and many wanted to see retribution for all the American lives lost that day. The war on terror prompted a halt to the antiwar movement's momentum. However, since then, the movement has failed to fully pick back up again. 

Despite the many negative aspects of war, people are letting it slide. In order to pick back up again, people need to be more informed about the negative aspects of war. These include thousands of lives being lost, poverty, hunger, and mass destruction on other countries that may not be as strong as America. In order to restart the antiwar movement, education and awareness must occur. 

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