Monday, May 3, 2021

The Diffusion of Innovations- The Smart Phone

 In the 20th century, people had technologies such as televisions, computers, and telephones. Then, in 1992, the very first smartphone was created. Now, the smartphone is a television, computer, and telephone all in one. The smartphone has access to the internet, it can let you communicate with others from miles away, it can take photos, and it can entertain you for hours. I believe the reason the smartphone became so popular so fast is because its able to do so many different things at once. Its a multifaceted tool thats also easy to transport. This is why the smartphone caught on so quickly. There are some negatives about smart phones, however. Smart phones can cause mental health issues including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and insomnia. There are also many privacy concerns. Also, texting and driving is a huge issue that can even result in death. There are many pros and cons to smartphones. Different adopter groups weigh these pros and cons differently. 

The early adopters are the younger generation who are more open to new technologies. Younger people love the convenience of having a device that can complete multiple things at once. The younger generations are constantly looking for ways to make things faster and easier, which the smartphone does. They are also more open to change. The late adopters are the older generations, who are more distrustful of new technologies. The older generation is more likely to be set in their ways and less likely to purchase fancy new gadgets. Also, the older generation is more concerned with privacy, which is something the smartphone can take away.

Smart phones, regardless of your opinion on them, are becoming more and more popular. In America, most of the population owns som form of smart phone. In fact, employers have even started requiring them. Smart phones are the present and the future of technology, with different models and types being introduced every year. Smartphones are an example of how the diffusion of innovation theory works. 

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