Monday, April 26, 2021

EOTO: Drones

 Drones are a device that have become very popular in the 21st century. When a person thinks of drones, they usually think of the small device that can float in the air, often controlled by a remote. These devices have become a technology used for new camera shots, racing, or just pure fun. They can even connect to smartphones. However, drones are more than we think. 

By definition, a drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle, or an aircraft without a human pilot on board. The name "drone" was created because its sound doesn't increase or decrease, it just drones on. The very first drones were just balloons that didn't get too much off the ground. According to, these drones were invented in 1792 by the Montgolfier brothers. This was the original drone. In 1862, the first flying machine was patented to hold bombs. The military started using drones in wars. Drones were used not only just to drop bombs, but to perform surveillance and combat missions as well. In the 1960s, jet propelled drones such as the lightning bug and Ryan Firebee were used as remote combat aircraft. These drones were used in the Vietnam war in more than 3500 combat incidents. 

It wasn't until 2014 that the drone started being used as general toys and for camera shots. In two short years, consumer drone popularity was at an all time high. Drones went from a simple balloon to something that could be used in wars, surveillance, cameras, and toys. 

Drones have gathered some controversy, however. They can fly too close to aircraft, and theres also come concern about privacy. There's a lot of legal debate about wh controls air traffic, and what laws can be put in place to protect citizens. 

Despite its controversy, drones have become very popular. They've done a lot of good- drones can help monitor climate & environmental changes. They're used for less expensive aerial footage, and can even deliver online orders. They also help track poachers in Africa who are hunting animals illegally.They're very interesting creations, and everyone should be excited to see what's done with these devices next.

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